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py-lru-dict Dict-like LRU container
py-lsp-black (V) Black plugin for the Python LSP Server
py-lupa Python wrapper around Lua and LuaJIT
py-macaroons Python implementation of Macaroons
py-macholib Mach-O header analysis and editing
py-makefun Small library to dynamically create Python functions
py-mako Hyperfast and lightweight templating for the Python platform
py-mando Create Python CLI apps with little to no effort at all
py-manticore Symbolic execution tool for analysis of binaries and smart contracts
py-mark (V) RDF Bookmarking Utilities
py-marshmallow-enum (V) Enum field for Marshmallow
py-mathics-scanner (V) Character Tables and Tokenizer for Mathics and the Wolfram Language
py-matrix-nio (V) Matrix client library for Python
py-maturin Build and publish crates with pyo3, rust-cpython and cffi bindings
py-mccabe Mccabe plugin for the Python program checker flake8
py-memcached Python memcached client
py-memory_profiler (V) Module for monitoring memory usage of a python program
py-memory-profiler Monitors memory usage of a Python program
py-mercurial Fast, lightweight source control management system
py-mergedeep Deep merge function for Python
py-mesa (V) Agent-based modeling (ABM) in Python 3+
py-meson_python Meson Python build backend (PEP 517)
py-metrics (V) Metrics for python files
py-milksnake (V) Library that extends setuptools for binary extensions
py-minidump Python library to parse and read Microsoft minidump file format
py-minimock Simplest possible mock library
py-mixbox Utility library for cybox, maec, and stix packages
py-mmh3 Python wrapper for MurmurHash3
py-mnemonic Reference implementation of BIP-0039
py-mock Python testing framework
py-mocket Socket Mock Framework
py-modargs (V) line argument parsing library that infers
py-modulegraph Python module dependency analysis tool
py-modus (V) Fully featured modbus protocol stack in python
py-mongomock (V) Fake pymongo stub for testing simple MongoDB-dependent code
py-more-itertools More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools
py-more-itertools2 More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools (for Python 2.x)
py-mote (V) Python library for simulation of distributed algorithms
py-moto (V) Mock-up of the boto library
py-mox Mock object framework for Python
py-mozcrash (V) Library for printing stack traces from minidumps
py-mozdebug (V) Utilities for running applications under native code debuggers intended for use in Mozilla testing
py-mozfile (V) Library of file utilities for use in Mozilla testing
py-mozinfo (V) Library to get system information for use in Mozilla testing
py-mozInstall (V) package for installing and uninstalling Mozilla applications
py-mozprofile (V) Library to create and modify Mozilla application profiles
py-mozrunner (V) Reliable start/stop/configuration of Mozilla Applications
py-msgpack MessagePack (de)serializer for Python
py-msgspec Fast serialization and validation library
py-mulpyplexer Python module to multiplex interactions with lists of objects
py-multipledispatch Efficient, mostly complete implementation of multiple dispatch
py-multiprocess (V) Better multiprocessing and multithreading in python
py-munch (V) Dot-accessible dictionary (a la JavaScript objects)
py-namedlist (V) Similar to namedtuple, but instances are mutable
py-nameko (V) Microservices framework for Python
py-nampa FLIRT signatures for Python
py-nbimporter (V) Import IPython notebooks as modules
py-nbval (V) Py.test plugin to validate Jupyter notebooks
py-ncclient (V) NETCONF Python client
py-nest-asyncio Patch asyncio to allow nested event loops
py-netcdf (V) Python bindings for netcdf
py-netCDF4 (V) Object-oriented python interface to netCDF version 4
py-newt Windowing toolkit based on libslang2
py-nihtest Testing tool for command line utilities
py-ninja Python bindings for the ninja build tool
py-nodeenv (V) Node.js virtual environment
py-nose Unittest-based testing framework for python
py-nose2 Next generation of nicer testing for Python
py-notify (V) Python package providing tool for observer programming pattern
py-nox (V) Flexible test automation
py-nupic (V) Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing
py-ode Python wrapper for the Open Dynamics Engine
py-olefile Python module to read/write MS OLE2 files
py-omniORBpy (V) Python interface to omniORB
py-open-vcdiff Python binding for open-vcdiff
py-Optik Command line parsing library for Python
py-orca Python library for task orchestration
py-ordered-set MutableSet that remembers its order
py-orderly-set Multiple implementations of ordered set
py-outcome Capture the outcome of Python function calls
py-overrides Ddecorator to automatically detect mismatch when overriding a method
py-p4 (V) Perforce SCM Python API
py-packageurl Purl aka. Package URL parser and builder
py-packaging Core utilities for Python packages
py-paho-mqtt (V) MQTT version 3.1.1 client class
py-papyros (V) Pythonic parallel processing
py-param (V) Declarative Python programming using Parameters
py-parameterized Parameterized testing with any Python test framework
py-ParamUnittest Simple extension to have parametrized unit tests
py-parsy (V) Easy-to-use parser combinators, for parsing in pure Python
py-parver (V) Parse and manipulate version numbers
py-path Python module wrapper for os.path
py-path-and-address (V) Functions for server command-line arguments used by humans Module wrapper for os.path
py-pathable Object-oriented paths
py-pathlib Object-oriented filesystem paths
py-pathlib2 Object-oriented filesystem paths
py-pathos (V) Parallel graph management and execution in heterogeneous computing
py-pathspec Utility library for gitignore style pattern matching of file paths
py-pathvalidate Python library to sanitize/validate a string such as filenames