py-jupyter_core | | Jupyter core package |
py-jupyter_events | | Jupyter Event System library |
py-jupyter_packaging | | Jupyter Packaging Utilities |
py-jupyter-console | | Jupyter terminal console |
py-kafka-python | | Pure Python client for Apache Kafka |
py-kaitaistruct | | Kaitai Struct declarative parser generator for binary data |
py-Kallithea (V) | | Fast and powerful management tool for Mercurial and Git |
py-keycloak (V) | | Keycloak Client |
py-kitchen | | Kitchen contains a cornucopia of useful code |
py-kivy | | Library for rapid development of multitouch applications |
py-kivy-garden | | Garden tool for kivy flowers |
py-kiwisolver (V) | | Fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver |
py-kjbuckets | | Fast set, graph and mapping operations |
py-klausen (V) | | Parameterized model framework in Python |
py-lama | | Code audit tool for Python |
py-lama-quotes | | Simple quote checker for pylama |
py-launchpadlib (V) | | Script Launchpad through its web services interfaces |
py-lazr.config | | Create configuration schemas, and process and validate configurations |
py-lazr.delegates | | Easily write objects that delegate behavior |
py-lazy-object-proxy | | Fast and thorough lazy object proxy |
py-lexid | | Variable width build numbers with lexical ordering |
py-lib (V) | | Agile development and test support library |
py-lib3to6 | | Compile Python 3.6+ code to Python 2.7+ |
py-libarchive-c (V) | | Python interface to libarchive |
py-libclang-py3 (V) | | Python3 bindings for libclang |
py-libdnet (V) | | Python wrapper for libdnet |
py-libevent-rpcgen | | Python libevent rpcgen script |
py-liblarch (V) | | Python library for handling lists, trees and DAGs |
py-libmc | | Quick and small memcached client for Python |
py-libusb1 | | Python ctype-based wrapper around libusb1 |
py-license-expression | | Library to parse, compare, simplify and normalize license expressions |
py-limits | | Rate limiting utilities |
py-line_profiler | | Python line-by-line profiler |
py-linecache2 | | Backport of the linecache module to older Python versions |
py-littleutils | | Small personal collection of Python utility functions |
py-llvmlite | | Lightweight LLVM Python binding for writing JIT compilers |
py-lockfile | | Platform-independent file locking module |
py-locky (V) | | Implementation of concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor |
py-locustio (V) | | Python utility for doing distributed load testing of a web site |
py-logan | | Toolkit for building standalone Django applications |
py-logbook | | Logging replacement for Python |
py-loggly (V) | | Python interface to Loggly |
py-logilab-common | | Useful miscellaneous modules used by Logilab projects |
py-loky (V) | | Robust implementation of concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor |
py-looseversion | | Python extension for comparing version strings |
py-lru-dict | | Dict-like LRU container |
py-lsp-black (V) | | Black plugin for the Python LSP Server |
py-lupa | | Python wrapper around Lua and LuaJIT |
py-macaroons | | Python implementation of Macaroons |
py-macholib | | Mach-O header analysis and editing |
py-makefun | | Small library to dynamically create Python functions |
py-mako | | Hyperfast and lightweight templating for the Python platform |
py-mando | | Create Python CLI apps with little to no effort at all |
py-manticore | | Symbolic execution tool for analysis of binaries and smart contracts |
py-mark (V) | | RDF Bookmarking Utilities |
py-marshmallow-enum (V) | | Enum field for Marshmallow |
py-mathics-scanner (V) | | Character Tables and Tokenizer for Mathics and the Wolfram Language |
py-matrix-nio (V) | | Matrix client library for Python |
py-maturin | | Build and publish crates with pyo3, rust-cpython and cffi bindings |
py-mccabe | | Mccabe plugin for the Python program checker flake8 |
py-memcached | | Python memcached client |
py-memory_profiler (V) | | Module for monitoring memory usage of a python program |
py-memory-profiler | | Monitors memory usage of a Python program |
py-mercurial | | Fast, lightweight source control management system |
py-mergedeep | | Deep merge function for Python |
py-mesa (V) | | Agent-based modeling (ABM) in Python 3+ |
py-meson_python | | Meson Python build backend (PEP 517) |
py-metrics (V) | | Metrics for python files |
py-milksnake (V) | | Library that extends setuptools for binary extensions |
py-minidump | | Python library to parse and read Microsoft minidump file format |
py-minimock | | Simplest possible mock library |
py-mixbox | | Utility library for cybox, maec, and stix packages |
py-mmh3 | | Python wrapper for MurmurHash3 |
py-mnemonic | | Reference implementation of BIP-0039 |
py-mock | | Python testing framework |
py-mocket | | Socket Mock Framework |
py-modargs (V) | | line argument parsing library that infers |
py-modulegraph | | Python module dependency analysis tool |
py-modus (V) | | Fully featured modbus protocol stack in python |
py-mongomock (V) | | Fake pymongo stub for testing simple MongoDB-dependent code |
py-more-itertools | | More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools |
py-more-itertools2 | | More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools (for Python 2.x) |
py-mote (V) | | Python library for simulation of distributed algorithms |
py-moto (V) | | Mock-up of the boto library |
py-mox | | Mock object framework for Python |
py-mozcrash (V) | | Library for printing stack traces from minidumps |
py-mozdebug (V) | | Utilities for running applications under native code debuggers intended for use in Mozilla testing |
py-mozfile (V) | | Library of file utilities for use in Mozilla testing |
py-mozinfo (V) | | Library to get system information for use in Mozilla testing |
py-mozInstall (V) | | package for installing and uninstalling Mozilla applications |
py-mozprofile (V) | | Library to create and modify Mozilla application profiles |
py-mozrunner (V) | | Reliable start/stop/configuration of Mozilla Applications |
py-msgpack | | MessagePack (de)serializer for Python |
py-msgspec | | Fast serialization and validation library |
py-mulpyplexer | | Python module to multiplex interactions with lists of objects |
py-multipledispatch | | Efficient, mostly complete implementation of multiple dispatch |
py-multiprocess (V) | | Better multiprocessing and multithreading in python |
py-munch (V) | | Dot-accessible dictionary (a la JavaScript objects) |
py-namedlist (V) | | Similar to namedtuple, but instances are mutable |
py-nameko (V) | | Microservices framework for Python |
mk | | Subfolder |